Topics and Sessions

1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health33
1. Low Fertility in Comparative Perspective 21. Timing of Childbearing and Fertility Transitions 24. Aspects of the Transition to Parenthood 37. China’s One Child Policy after 30 years – Time for a Change? 39. Gender, Couple Context and Reproductive Health 40. Sexual Behavior, Condom Use and STIs 56. Social Demographic Aspects of Fertility: International Perspectives 58. Sexual Behaviors, Reproductive Health and Fertility among Adolescents and Young Adults 69. Methodological and Substantive Issues in Studies of Unwanted Fertility 73. Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility in Africa 74. The Emergence of Very Low Fertility in China and India 91. Social Demographic Aspects of Fertility 92. Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility in Asia 95. Romantic and Sexual Relationships 98. Determinants, Associations and Consequences of Abortion 110. HIV/AIDS in Contemporary Africa 112. Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility among Hispanics in the U.S. and Latin America 117. Timing of Childbearing and Fertility Transitions: Establishing Cause and Effect 124. Demography of Health and Mortality in Bangladesh and India 131. Contextual and Policy Influences on Reproductive Health and Fertility 135. Interrelationships between Parents, Schools, Sexual Behavior, and Fertility 143. Fertility, Maternal Health and Family Planning in Asia 145. Fertility Intentions, Reproductive Health and Fertility 150. Low Fertility and Its Association with Macro-Economic Trends 152. Effects of Government Policies and Incentives on Fertility and Reproductive Health 161. Gender, Couple Context and Sexual Activity 162. Comparative Perspectives on Nonmarital Fertility 171. Couple Dynamics and Fertility in Africa 172. Abortion in Societies with Different Abortion Laws 173. Power and Coercion in Sexual Behavior 176. Contraception Non-Use and Risk of Unintended Pregnancy 178. New Perspectives on Low Fertility and Policy 179. Reproductive Risks: Complications, Side-Effects and Infertility in Africa
2. Marriage, Family, Households and Unions27 3. Children and Youth17 4. Health and Mortality36
3. Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Health and Mortality 4. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality 9. How Do Early Life Conditions Affect Fertility and Mortality? Consensus and Controversies 13. Community and Neighborhood Influences on Health 17. Health and Dependency at Older Ages 19. Social Inequality and Health Outcomes 22. Methodological Aspects of Health and Mortality Analysis 27. Multilevel Models of Health 33. Risk Factors Associated with Adult Mortality 45. Social Determinants and Consequences of Body Weight 49. The Demographic Impact of Pandemics 50. Social Differentials in Biological Parameters 53. Neighborhood Influences on Health: Exploring Mechanisms 57. Environmental Impacts on Population Dynamics and Health 60. Adult Mortality 64. Social Determinants of Health Risking Behaviors 79. Mortality Trends in More Developed Countries 86. Determinants of Child Survival in Africa 88. Cause-of-Death Analyses 96. Comparative Health and Mortality in High-Income Countries 107. Social Determinants of Perinatal and Child Health 109. Infant and Child Mortality 118. Biodemographic Influences on Health and Mortality 121. Ethnicity, Health and Mortality in Russia and Former Soviet Republics 125. Health Insurance and Health Care Utilization 128. Socioeconomic Differentials in Mortality 129. Demographic Studies Based on Biomarkers 130. The Health and Mortality Impact of HIV/AIDS 137. Family Structure and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa 149. Methods for Morbidity and Mortality Analysis 154. Health and Socioeconomic Consequences of Obesity 156. Infant and Child Mortality in Stressful Contexts 158. Race and Ethnic Disparities in Morbidity and Mortality in the United States 170. Historical and Geographic Perspectives of Socioeconomic Differences in Mortality 174. Cause-of-Death Trends and Health Transition 187. Hispanic and Black Health and Mortality
5. Race, Ethnicity and Gender13 6. Migration and Urbanization19 7. Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality10 8. Population, Development and Environment7 9. Population and Aging12 10. Data and Methods9 11. Applied Demography3 12. Other Topics8 14. Poster Sessions7