Topics and Sessions
1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health33
. Marriage, Family, Households and Unions27
. Children and Youth17
. Health and Mortality36
. Race, Ethnicity and Gender13
. Migration and Urbanization19
. Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality10
. Population, Development and Environment7
. Population and Aging12
. Data and Methods9
. Applied Demography3
. Other Topics8
. Poster Sessions7
1. Low Fertility in Comparative Perspective
21. Timing of Childbearing and Fertility Transitions
24. Aspects of the Transition to Parenthood
37. China’s One Child Policy after 30 years – Time for a Change?
39. Gender, Couple Context and Reproductive Health
40. Sexual Behavior, Condom Use and STIs
56. Social Demographic Aspects of Fertility: International Perspectives
58. Sexual Behaviors, Reproductive Health and Fertility among Adolescents and Young Adults
69. Methodological and Substantive Issues in Studies of Unwanted Fertility
73. Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility in Africa
74. The Emergence of Very Low Fertility in China and India
91. Social Demographic Aspects of Fertility
92. Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility in Asia
95. Romantic and Sexual Relationships
98. Determinants, Associations and Consequences of Abortion
110. HIV/AIDS in Contemporary Africa
112. Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility among Hispanics in the U.S. and Latin America
117. Timing of Childbearing and Fertility Transitions: Establishing Cause and Effect
124. Demography of Health and Mortality in Bangladesh and India
131. Contextual and Policy Influences on Reproductive Health and Fertility
135. Interrelationships between Parents, Schools, Sexual Behavior, and Fertility
143. Fertility, Maternal Health and Family Planning in Asia
145. Fertility Intentions, Reproductive Health and Fertility
150. Low Fertility and Its Association with Macro-Economic Trends
152. Effects of Government Policies and Incentives on Fertility and Reproductive Health
161. Gender, Couple Context and Sexual Activity
162. Comparative Perspectives on Nonmarital Fertility
171. Couple Dynamics and Fertility in Africa
172. Abortion in Societies with Different Abortion Laws
173. Power and Coercion in Sexual Behavior
176. Contraception Non-Use and Risk of Unintended Pregnancy
178. New Perspectives on Low Fertility and Policy
179. Reproductive Risks: Complications, Side-Effects and Infertility in Africa
5. Marriage and Union Formation
10. Generational Exchanges and Relationships
15. Work Environment and Work-Family Conflict
34. Intergenerational Exchanges across Countries and Societies
35. Family Leave Policies
48. Motherhood and Work
52. Migration and Divorce
66. Marriage Formation in Historical and Comparative Perspective
67. Policy and Family
70. Resource Allocation in Families and Households
82. Assortative Mating
89. Parental Investments in Education: Social, Economic, and Policy Influences
97. Families and Health
102. Cohabitation and Marriage
106. Tied Mobility
108. Household Structure and Intergenerational Relationships in Historical and Comparative Perspective
115. Marriage and Union Formation in Developing Countries
132. Separation and Divorce
134. Latino Family Structure and Economic Well-Being
138. Men's Roles in Families and Relationships
142. Work Schedules and Family Time
147. Family and Household in Historical and Comparative Perspective
165. New Data on Same- and Different-Sex Unions: Issues and Estimates
166. Immigrants' Families and Households
175. Union Status Changes and Health
182. Marriage Markets
191. Comparative Perspectives on Gender and Time Use in the Household
31. Parental Employment, Early Education and Development
44. Education Policy and Child Well-Being
59. Family Structure and Child Well-Being
72. Migrant Workers and Children's Wellbeing in Developing Countries
77. Child Health and Well-Being
80. Prenatal Care, Early-Life Health and Child Development: Evidence from Developing Countries
83. Schooling and the Transition to Adulthood
85. The Association Between Body Weight, Pubertal Timing and Adolescent Sexual Behavior
116. Policies that Influence Smoking and Alcohol Use: Consequences for Child Well-being
119. Immigration, Ethnicity and Child Development
136. Transition to Adulthood
144. Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Parental Absence or Death
153. Public Policy and Child Outcomes
163. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
177. Multi-Partnered Fertility, Complicated Families, and Child Wellbeing
180. Fathers and Their Children
184. Family and Intergenerational Aspects of the Transition to Adulthood
3. Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Health and Mortality
4. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality
9. How Do Early Life Conditions Affect Fertility and Mortality? Consensus and Controversies
13. Community and Neighborhood Influences on Health
17. Health and Dependency at Older Ages
19. Social Inequality and Health Outcomes
22. Methodological Aspects of Health and Mortality Analysis
27. Multilevel Models of Health
33. Risk Factors Associated with Adult Mortality
45. Social Determinants and Consequences of Body Weight
49. The Demographic Impact of Pandemics
50. Social Differentials in Biological Parameters
53. Neighborhood Influences on Health: Exploring Mechanisms
57. Environmental Impacts on Population Dynamics and Health
60. Adult Mortality
64. Social Determinants of Health Risking Behaviors
79. Mortality Trends in More Developed Countries
86. Determinants of Child Survival in Africa
88. Cause-of-Death Analyses
96. Comparative Health and Mortality in High-Income Countries
107. Social Determinants of Perinatal and Child Health
109. Infant and Child Mortality
118. Biodemographic Influences on Health and Mortality
121. Ethnicity, Health and Mortality in Russia and Former Soviet Republics
125. Health Insurance and Health Care Utilization
128. Socioeconomic Differentials in Mortality
129. Demographic Studies Based on Biomarkers
130. The Health and Mortality Impact of HIV/AIDS
137. Family Structure and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
149. Methods for Morbidity and Mortality Analysis
154. Health and Socioeconomic Consequences of Obesity
156. Infant and Child Mortality in Stressful Contexts
158. Race and Ethnic Disparities in Morbidity and Mortality in the United States
170. Historical and Geographic Perspectives of Socioeconomic Differences in Mortality
174. Cause-of-Death Trends and Health Transition
187. Hispanic and Black Health and Mortality
76. Gender, Sexuality and Power
93. Race, Gender and Health Outcomes
113. Racial and Ethnic Inequality
126. Gender and the Division of Labor in Developing Countries
146. Gender, Race and Class
155. Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation Dynamics
159. What is 'Race' in Education Research?
160. Women's Empowerment and Disempowerment in Developing Countries
164. Racial/Ethnic Segregation and Discrimination
167. Gender in Developing Countries
168. Gender and the Labor Market
183. Demography of Race and Ethnicity: Beyond Black and White
189. Gender Stratification and Health
8. Immigrant Labor Market Investment and Skills
12. Immigrant Destinations
23. New Data and Methods in Migration
36. Return Migration and Migration Systems
41. Immigrant Generations and Mobility
42. Internal Migration
71. Internal Migration across the Life Course
81. Immigrant Integration
84. Housing and Location Choice
90. Determinants of Immigration and Its Impact
94. Health and Migration among Mexican Origin Population in Mexico and the U.S.
100. Housing in International Context
104. Neighborhood Processes and Effects
105. Global Patterns of Internal Migration
120. Growth and Decline of Urban Populations
151. Mexican Immigrant Integration: Health, Family, and Identity
185. Comparative Perspectives on Immigration
188. Immigrants and the Labor Market
192. Immigrant Assimilation: Comparative Perspectives
11. Economic Recessions and Demographic Outcomes
18. Demographic Consequences of Economic Downturns
25. Demography of Educational Attainment
30. Immigration and the Labor Force
99. Neighborhoods, Poverty, and Inequality
114. Intergenerational Transfers and Social Mobility
122. Labor Market Networks
140. Job Insecurity and Displacement
169. Gender in Higher Education
186. Inequality in Access to College and College Performance
6. Population and Environment
26. Gender and Child Health Outcomes in Developing Countries
54. Economic Crisis and Gender Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa
61. Gender, Development and Demographic Processes
87. Population and Environmental Impact in Africa
101. The Demographic Dividend: Empirical Evidence
133. Globalization and Family Changes
2. Aging and Inequality: Disparities in Health, Wealth and Well-Being
29. Marriage in Later Life
46. The Elderly and Their Kin: Contact, Care and Social Support
51. Factors Influencing Health in Later Life: Evidence from Developing Countries
62. Demographic and Economic Outcomes of Immigration
75. The Demography and Biodemography of Aging, Disability, Health and Longevity
78. Late Life Work, Retirement and Income Security
123. Aging in Developing Countries: Intergenerational Support and Living Arrangements
127. Results from NRC Panel on Diverging Mortality
141. Mathematical Aspects of Mortality and Longevity
193. The Dynamics of SES and Health
194. Aging in the Developing World
14. Formal Demography and Survival Analysis
20. The Future of Data Collection, Access, and Dissemination
28. New Sources and Methods for Data Collection
32. Statistical, Spatial, and Network Methods
55. Evolution of the American Community Survey (ACS) in the Coming Decade
63. Strengths and Weaknesses of Asian Demographic Data
68. Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Demography
103. Measures and Methods for Fertility and Mortality Analysis
157. Innovations in Data and Measurement in Spatial and Network Analysis
16. Sub-National Estimates and Projections
38. Evaluation of the 2010 Census Using Demographic Analysis Estimates
47. Case Studies in Applied Demography
7. Fifty Years of Demography in Africa
43. Genetics and Demographic Behavior
65. Global Climate Change and Health/Mortality Consequences
111. Author Meets Critics. The Depopulation of Hispanic America After the Conquest: Old and New Interpretations. Two Books by Massimo Livi Bacci, University of Florence
139. Historical Demography
148. Demographic Determinants and Consequences of War, Conflict, and Terrorism
181. 21st Century Refugee Policy and Refugee Demography
190. Population, Politics, and Conflict in the Middle East and Western Asia