Saturday, April 17 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Pegasus B

Session 167:
Gender in Developing Countries

Chair: Anju Malhotra, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Discussant: Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts

  1. The Interrelationships between Female Autonomy, Empowerment and Demographic Change: Some Unexpected Pointers from HistoryAlaka Malwade Basu, Cornell University

  2. Gender Inequality in Education and Employment: China’s Urban Labor Markets in Transition, 1982-2005Xiaogang Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ; Xi Song, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  3. Women’s Status during Reform in VietnamPhuong Pham, Pennsylvania State University ; Rukmalie Jayakody, Pennsylvania State University

  4. Influences of Women’s State-Level Empowerment on Educational Inputs and Gender Gaps in Primary SchoolingKathryn M. Yount, Emory University ; Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham, Emory University ; Rohini P. Pande, Independent Consultant

Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender