Thursday, April 15 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Reunion E

Session 23:
New Data and Methods in Migration

Chair: Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University
Discussant: Enrico Marcelli, San Diego State University

  1. Creating Valid Immigration Entry StatisticsSherrie Kossoudji, University of Michigan

  2. Application of the Network Scale-Up Method to Estimate Hard-to-Count Populations: The Case of Brazilian Immigrants in Florida, USADimitri Fazito, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Chris McCarty, University of Florida

  3. Rethinking the Effect of Duration on Immigrant Health: Evidence from the National Health Interview Survey (2006-2008) and the New Immigrants Survey (2003)Jing Li, University of Texas at Austin

  4. Who in the United States Sends and Receives Remittances? An InitialAnalysis of the Monetary Transfers Data from the August 2008 CPS Migration SupplementElizabeth Grieco, U.S. Census Bureau ; G. Patricia de la Cruz, U.S. Census Bureau ; Rachel Cortes, U.S. Census Bureau ; Luke J. Larsen, U.S. Census Bureau

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization