Session 122:
Labor Market Networks
Chair: Pia Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Discussant: Madeline Zavodny, Agnes Scott College
Discussant: Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University
Who Gets the Job Referral? Evidence from a Networks Experiment Lori Beaman, Northwestern University ; Jeremy Magruder, University of California, Berkeley
The Transition from School to Work Amongst Black Youth in Cape Town David Lam, University of Michigan ; Murray Leibbrandt, University of Cape Town ; Cecil Mlatsheni, University of Cape Town ; Vimal Ranchhod, University of Cape Town
Smooth(er) Landing? The Role of Networks in the Location and Occupational Choice of Immigrants Jose Tessada, The Brookings Institution ; Jeanne Lafortune, University of Maryland
Intermarriage and Immigrant Employment: The Role of Networks Delia Furtado, University of Connecticut ; Nikolaos Theodoropoulos, University of Cyprus
Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality