Thursday, April 15 / 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM   •   Reunion C

Session 40:
Sexual Behavior, Condom Use and STIs

Chair: Dela Kusi-Appouh, Cornell University
Discussant: Sara E. Yeatman, University of Colorado at Denver
Discussant: Winfred A. Avogo, Illinois State University

  1. Building for the Future: Enhancing Health, Social and Economic Capabilities of Highly Vulnerable AdolescentsKelly Hallman, Population Council ; Eva Roca, Population Council

  2. Pathways to Extramarital Sex in Shanghai during the Transition from State to MarketFeng Tian, Duke University ; Giovanna Merli, Duke University

  3. Circumcision, Information, and HIV PreventionRebecca L. Thornton, University of Michigan ; Alister Munthali, University of Malawi ; Susan Godlonton, University of Michigan

  4. Perceptions of Risk and Sexual Behavior Change Following Adult Male Circumcision in Urban SwazilandJonathan Grund, Emory University ; Monique M. Hennink, Emory University

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health