Saturday, April 17 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Cumberland B

Session 172:
Abortion in Societies with Different Abortion Laws

Chair: Ulla Larsen, Ibis Reproductive Health
Discussant: Kelly Blanchard, Ibis Reproductive Health
Discussant: Megan Klein Hattori, Brown University

  1. The Estimated Incidence of Induced Abortion in Ethiopia, 2008Susheela D. Singh, Guttmacher Institute ; Tamara Fetters, Ipas ; Hailemichael Gebreselassie, Ipas ; Ahmed Abdella, Addis Ababa University ; Yirgu Gebrehiwot, Addis Ababa University ; Solomon Kumbi Hawas, Addis Ababa University ; Suzette Audam, Guttmacher Institute

  2. Women’s Perceptions of the Quality of Public Sector Abortion Services in Mexico CityDavida Becker, University of California, San Francisco ; Claudia Díaz-Olavarrieta, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP) ; Clara Juarez, Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica ; Sandra García, Population Council ; Patricio Sanhueza, Ministry of Health, Mexico ; Cynthia C. Harper, University of California, San Francisco

  3. “At That Time, I Didn’t Understand It!”: Exploring the Subject of Contraceptive Knowledge and Use among Women with Induced Abortion Experiences in the Greater Accra Region, GhanaAdriana A. Biney, University of Ghana

  4. The Life Circumstances of Women Accessing Abortion Services in the U.S.Rachel K. Jones, Guttmacher Institute ; Ann M. Moore, Guttmacher Institute ; Lori Frohwirth, Guttmacher Institute

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health