Thursday, April 15 / 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM   •   Cumberland H

Session 67:
Policy and Family

Chair: Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Rutgers University
Discussant: Timothy M. Smeeding, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  1. I’m Not Supporting His Kids”: Noncustodial Fathers’ Contributions When Mothers Have Children with New PartnersMaria Cancian, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Daniel Meyer, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  2. Child Support Enforcement and the Incidence of Single MotherhoodPatricia Tong, University of California, San Diego

  3. A Sort of Homecoming: The Effects of Incarceration on Men’s Housing StabilityAmanda B. Geller, Columbia University ; Marah A. Curtis, Boston University

  4. Multi-Partnered Fertility and the Criminal Justice SystemEirik Evenhouse, Mills College ; Siobhan Reilly, Mills College

Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions