Friday, April 16 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Reunion A

Session 93:
Race, Gender and Health Outcomes

Chair: Jenifer Bratter, Rice University
Discussant: Bridget K. Gorman, Rice University

  1. Ethnic Variations in Immigrant Health: A Gendered Analysis of Six Immigrant GroupsJen'nan G. Read, Duke University ; Megan Reynolds, Duke University

  2. Race and Preterm Births: A Protective Effect of the Military?Jennifer H. Lundquist, University of Massachusetts ; Irma T. Elo, University of Pennsylvania ; Wanda Barfield, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ; Zhun Xu, University of Massachusetts

  3. Understanding How Race/Ethnicity and Gender Define Age-Trajectories of Disability: An Intersectionality ApproachDavid F. Warner, Case Western Reserve University ; Tyson H. Brown, Duke University

  4. Masculinity and Health: A Multiple Method Examination of a Sample of African-American MenWaverly Duck, Yale University ; Juho Härkönen, Stockholm University

Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender