Friday, April 16 / 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM   •   Marsalis A

Poster Session 6

  1. Trends and Sources of Income Inequality between Native-Born Canadians and Immigrants from Non-European Origin, 1996-2006Said Ahmed Aboubacar, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique

  2. Financial Arrangements and Relationship Quality in Low-Income CouplesFenaba Addo, Cornell University

  3. Modeling the Determinants of Child Mortality in Bushenyi DistrictPeninah Agaba, Makerere University ; Jonathan Odwee, Makerere University

  4. Determinants and Consequences of Induced Abortion in India: Findings from a Population Based StudySutapa Agrawal, South Asia Network for Chronic Disease

  5. The Influence of Own and Origin Socioeconomic Status on BMI Trajectories by Immigrant Generation during the Transition to AdulthoodElizabeth H. Baker, Pennsylvania State University

  6. Women's Gains or Men’s Losses Revisited: Understanding the Context of Changes in Relative Earnings over the Duration of MarriageTara L. Becker, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  7. Comparative Trends in Mortality by Cause of Death in France and in Quebec: The French connection?Robert R. Bourbeau, Université de Montréal ; Aurélie Mons, Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg

  8. Spousal Education and Mortality among Older U.S. AdultsDustin C. Brown, University of Texas at Austin

  9. The Impact of Migration from Rural Areas on Measures of Fertility in India.Wendy Brynildsen, Duke University ; Sowmya Rajan, Duke University

  10. The Future of Completed Cohort Fertility in Low Fertility CountriesYen-hsin A. Cheng, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  11. Job Transition Patterns among Recent Unskilled Chinese Immigrants in the United StatesMiao David Chunyu, Brown University

  12. August 2008 CPS Migration Supplement: A Preliminary Look at the Citizenship and Year of Entry SectionsG. Patricia de la Cruz, U.S. Census Bureau ; Cassandra A. Logan, U.S. Census Bureau ; Frank Hobbs, U.S. Census Bureau

  13. Spatial Analysis of Factors Associated with HIV Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa Using DHSMuluye Desta, City University London ; Monica A. Magadi, City University London

  14. Are Physicians Closing Their Doors to Medicare? Trends and Patterns in the Provision of Physician Services to Medicare PatientsMartey S. Dodoo, AAFP Center for Policy Studies

  15. How Segregated Are the Affluent? Conceptual and Measurement Problems in Research on Spatial InequalityRachel E. Dwyer, Ohio State University

  16. The Time-Cost of Children In France: Time Budget Constraints and Women’s Economic ActivityOlivia Ekert-Jaffe, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

  17. Where Race Matters Most: Race, Ethnicity and Unemployment in 100 U.S. Metropolitan AreasAmon Emeka, University of Southern California

  18. Main Determinants of Socioeconomic Disparities in Children and Adolescents’ Malnutrition: Evidence from Latin AmericaSandra Garcia, Universidad de los Andes ; Olga Sarmiento, Universidad de los Andes

  19. Effect of Son Preference on Contraceptive Use in Madhya PradeshVandana Gautam, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  20. Internet Use among Filipino Public High School StudentsSocorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos ; Elizabeth M. King, World Bank Group ; Aniceto C. Orbeta, Philippine Insitute for Development Studies ; Prudenciano Gordoncillo, University of the Philippines Los Baños

  21. Using Dried Blood Spots to Estimate the Prevalence of Elevated Glycosylated Hemoglobin and Undiagnosed Diabetes among Spanish Speakers in the SouthwestSteven A. Haas, Arizona State University

  22. Mapping Vulnerability in Oklahoma City: An Examination of Connections between Demography and Location in an Urban ContextJason Hall, University of Oklahoma ; Heather Basara, University of Oklahoma

  23. Why Do Mexican American Children Outgrow the Epidemiologic Paradox?Erin R. Hamilton, University of California, Davis ; Nancy E. Reichman, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

  24. The Effect of Time Spent Together on Marital Happiness and Marital Dissolution by Immigration StatusSeung Yong Han, Arizona State Uiversity

  25. Can Health Insurance Be a Healthy Option for Health Care Financing in India: An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Social Health InsuranceAvishek Hazra, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  26. Access to Reproductive Health Care for Adolescents and Young Adults in the United StatesJillian T. Henderson, University of California, San Francisco ; Cynthia C. Harper, University of California, San Francisco

  27. Clandestine Contraceptive Use among Northern Nigerian Muslim Women in Polygynous UnionsChimaraoke 0. Izugbara, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)

  28. Exposure to Mother’s Violent Experience and Intimate Partner Violence in the Thai ContextAree Jampaklay, Mahidol University ; Fariha Haseen, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; Bencha Yoddumnern-Attig, Mahidol University

  29. Knowledge and Use of Methods to Avoid Pregnancy at First Sex: Patterns and Influence of Family and School Factors among a School Going Sample, in Mukono UgandaEsther Kaggwa, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

  30. Divorce Revisited: Explaining the Change in Family through the Act of Divorce in TurkeySerap Kavas, University of Michigan ; Ayse Gunduz-Hosgor, Middle East Technical University

  31. Children’s Economic Well-Being in Married, Cohabiting, and Single-Parent FamiliesSheela Kennedy, University of Minnesota

  32. Aging, Disability and Health Care Services among Older Persons in IndiaKunal Keshri, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Gopal Agrawal, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Kirti Gaur, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  33. English Language Use and Acquisition for U.S. ChildrenRobert Kominski, U.S. Census Bureau ; Hyon B. Shin, U.S. Census Bureau

  34. Stay-at-Home Fathers: Definition and Characteristics Based on 40 Years of CPS DataKaren Z. Kramer, university of Minnesota ; Jan McCulloch, University of Minnesota

  35. CAUSES of Infant and Under-Five Mortality in Rural India: Findings from a Household Survey in Madhya Pradesh among Targeted HouseholdsAjeet Kumar, DRS Delhi

  36. Sibling Influence on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana and UgandaDela Kusi-Appouh, Cornell University

  37. The Space Between? Second Generation Ethnic Differentials in Labor Market Outcomes in Selected European CitiesLaurence Lessard-Phillips, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

  38. Smoking and Labor Market Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from TaiwanTsui-Fang Lin, National Taipei University ; Jennjou Chen, National Chengchi University (NCCU)

  39. The Effect of Contraceptive-Confidence on First-Birth Timing in Post-Socialist MoldovaMark J. Lyons-Amos, University of Southampton ; Gabriele Durrant, University of Southampton ; Sabu S. Padmadas, University of Southampton

  40. Does an Iprovement in Work-Family Balance Increase Life Satisfaction? Evidence from 27 European CoutriesAnna Matysiak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Ariane Pailhé, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Anne Solaz, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

  41. Is Every Unhappy Family Unhappy in its Own Way?: Predicting Marital Distress among Low Income CouplesMeghan McCormick, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC) ; Isabelle Bollendorf, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC)

  42. The Effect of Access to AIDS Treatment on Employment Outcomes in South AfricaZoe McLaren, University of Michigan

  43. Association between Age at First Intercourse, Sexual Behaviour and Sexually Transmitted Infections among AdolescentsYode Miangotar, Université de Montréal

  44. What’s God Got to Do With It? Religion, Religiosity, and Union Formation among Women in BrazilPaula Miranda-Ribeiro, CEDEPLAR, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil ; Luciene Longo, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)

  45. Educational Outcomes of Children Who Grew Up during the Transition to Market Economy in VietnamNobuko Mizoguchi, University of California, Berkeley

  46. Family, Neighborhood Relation and Personal Networks in Internal MigrationSoumya Mohanty, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  47. An Empirical Study of Sex Preferences for Children in JapanRie Moriizumi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan

  48. Sexual Behaviour among Young Migrants in Nairobi's Slum AreasNetsayi Mudege, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Kanyiva Muindi, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)

  49. Treatment Seeking Behavior of Urban Slum Dweller Women to Cure Reproductive Morbidities: An Outcome of Failure of Government Health Delivery SystemManisha Nainakwal, All India Institute of Local Self Government ; Balram Paswan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Rajesh Nainakwal, Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust

  50. Socioeconomic Status and Elderly Adult Mortality in Rural Ghana: Evidence from the Navrongo DSSClifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand ; Khagayi Sammy, Kenya Medical Research Institute/Centres for Disease Control, University of Witwatersrand ; Cornelius Y. Debpuur, Navrongo Health Research Centre

  51. What Do We Know About the Undercount of Children in the Decennial Census?Bill O'Hare, Annie E. Casey Foundation

  52. The Geography of Opportunity: Educational Progress of the Children of Immigrants in New and Traditional Immigrant DestinationsKevin O'Neil, Princeton University

  53. Blurring Social Boundaries?: Experiences of Black-White Unions in Rio De Janeiro and Los AngelesChinyere Osuji, University of California, Los Angeles

  54. The Effect of Childlessness on the Health Status of EldersRobert D. Plotnick, University of Washington

  55. UP. Migrants to Mumbai: Mainly for Economic Reasons?Rajiva Prasad, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Mahesh Nath Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  56. Period or Cohort Effects? Surfaces of Average Annual Improvements in MortalityRoland Rau, University of Rostock

  57. Inequality of Healthcare Service Accessibility among the Elderly in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand: The Investigation of Geographical FactorsJongjit Rittirong, University of Washington

  58. Factors Associated with Contraception in IndiaRebha Sabharwal, Arizona State University

  59. Patterns of Persistent Poverty in Post- Doi MoiVietnamScott R. Sanders, Cornell University

  60. The (Mis)Measurement of Subfamilies in U.S. Census DataMatthew Schroeder, University of Minnesota

  61. Abortion and Contraception in a Low Fertility Setting: The Role of Seasonal Labor MigrationArusyak Sevoyan, Arizona State University

  62. A Study of Social Disparity in Higher Education in IndiaVini Sivanandan, Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics, India ; Perianayagam Arokiasamy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  63. Interstate Migration of Foreign Scientists and EngineersMartin Sorin, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health ; Randall Hannum, City University of New York

  64. Preferred Length of Birth Intervals in Zambia: Exploring the DeterminantsPushpanjali Swain, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, India ; Vijayan Pillai, University of Texas at Arlington

  65. Effect of the Career on Premature Retirement. Using Propensity-Score-Matching to Estimate CausalityMarkus Thiede, University of Marburg ; Maria Weske, Deutschen Rentenversicherung Hessen and University of Marburg ; Martina Schmidt-Stolte, University of Marburg ; Ronny Westerman, University of Marburg ; Ulrich O. Mueller, University of Marburg

  66. Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Experiences of (Recently)Pregnant Women Living with HIV in MexicoMarieke G. van Dijk, Population Council ; Allison Ettenger, Independent Consultant ; Xipatl Contreras, Independent Consultant ; Dawn Fukuda, Massachusetts Department of Public Health

  67. Spoilt or Deprived? A study on the Consequences of Post-Divorce Family Configurations for the Material Well-Being of ChildrenSofie Vanassche, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ; An Katrien Sodermans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ; Koen Matthijs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ; Gray Swicewood, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  68. Ethnic Identity and Generational Status in South Phoenix, ArizonaBen VanderMeer, Arizona State University ; Nicole Weller, Arizona State University ; Seline Szkupinski-Quiroga, Arizona State University

  69. Keeping Up with the Diallos: Household Wealth, Relative Deprivation and Migration from Senegal to EuropeErik Vickstrom, Princeton University

  70. Family and Fertility Patterns of the Recent Foreign-Born Population in the UKLorraine Waller, University of Southampton ; Ann Berrington, University of Southampton ; James Raymer, University of Southampton

  71. Fertility Postponement and Late Transitions to MotherhoodMarissa C. Wheeler, University of Pennsylvania

  72. Does Welfare Policy Influence Children’s Behavior? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Food Stamps RecipientsLiyun Wu, University of Michigan

  73. Child Immunization in Selected States of India: Community-Level Effect of Education, Religion and WealthAnjali Yadav, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; M. Guruswamy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)