Session 104:
Neighborhood Processes and Effects
Chair: Jeffrey M. Timberlake, University of Cincinnati
Discussant: Rachel E. Dwyer, Ohio State University
Do Neighborhood Effects Depend on the Definition of the Neighborhood? Jennifer A. Ailshire, University of Southern California ; Jeffrey D. Morenoff, University of Michigan ; Robert Melendez, University of Michigan
Neighborhood-Level Physical Disorder and Its Relationship to Poverty, Affluence, Residential Stability, and Ethnicity in Los Angeles Malia Jones, University of California, Los Angeles ; Anne Pebley, University of California, Los Angeles
Neighborhood Social Context and Smoking Cession: A Multilevel Study of Collective Efficacy and Social Norms Deborah Karasek, University of California, San Francisco ; Jennifer Ahern, University of California, Berkeley
Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization