Session 175:
Union Status Changes and Health
Chair: Barbara Schone, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS
Discussant: Patrick M. Krueger, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
Marital Dissolutions and Self-Rated Health: Life Course and Birth Cohort Patterns Hui Liu, Michigan State University
Mother’s Union History and the Health of Children Born to Single Mothers Kristi Williams, Ohio State University ; Sharon Sassler, Cornell University ; Elizabeth Cooksey, Ohio State University
Marital Biography and Cardiovascular-Related Biological Markers: Exploring the Role of Gender Michael McFarland, University of Texas at Austin ; Mark D. Hayward, University of Texas at Austin
Married to Your Health Insurance: The Relationship Between Marriage, Divorce and Health Insurance Jamie C. Rubenstein, Cornell University ; Elizabeth Peters, Cornell University
Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions