Poster Session 2
Health, Poverty and Indigenous Households: An Empirical Analysis of Self Rated Health In Chile David Ader, Pennsylvania State University
Exploring Geographical Variations in Unmet Need for Contraception in Ghana by Means of Small Area Estimates Fiifi Amoako Johnson, University of Southampton ; Sabu S. Padmadas, University of Southampton ; James J. Brown, University of London
What Does Explain the Heterogeneity in Early Family Trajectories? A Non-Parametric Approach for Sequence Analysis Nicola Barban, University of Padua
Gender-Based Violence against Women in a Metropolitan Area of Brazil´s Capital: An Ecological Approach Leides Barroso Azevedo Moura, Universidade de Brasília ; Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos, Universidade de Brasília
Factors and Processes Shaping Contraceptive Choice in West Bengal, India: A Multilevel Analysis Sharmishtha Basu, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Children at Home, Staying Alone? Paths Towards Repartnering for Men and Women Eva Beaujouan, University of Southampton
The Influence of Labor Market Participation and Educational Attainment on the Transition to First Birth in Post-Communist Estonia Katia Begall, University of Groningen
My Choice: Female Contraceptive Use Autonomy in Bangladesh Niels-Hugo Blunch, Washington and Lee University ; Maitreyi B. Das, World Bank Group
Mortality and Migration in Rural and Urban Africa: An Analysis of Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems Philippe Bocquier, University of the Witwatersrand ; Mark Collinson, University of the Witwatersrand
Barriers to Contraceptive Use and Medication Abortion in the Ga East District of Greater Accra, Ghana Virginia Bowen, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Illegal Immigrants in the US: Indirect Information on Labor Force Outcomes and Characteristics Cristina Bradatan, Texas Tech University
Role Overload: Preferences for Wife's Employment in Japan Larry Bumpass, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Minja K. Choe, East-West Center ; Noriko Tsuya, Keio University ; Ronald R. Rindfuss, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and East-West Center
The Inter-Generational Transmission of Cognitive Abilities and Early Childhood Development Outcomes in Guatemala Maria C. Calderon, University of Pennsylvania ; John Hoddinott, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Entries and Exits in the Work Trajectory of Mexican Women of Two Generations Nina Castro, El Colegio de México
On Cohort Forecasts of First Marriage For U.S. Women P. C. Roger Cheng, National Central University, Taiwan
Historical Coverage Patterns of Blacks in the United States Census: An Application of Age-Period-Cohort Analysis Katherine M. Condon, U.S. Census Bureau
Proximate Determinants and Their Influences on Fertility Reduction in Vietnam Kailash Chandra Das, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Kumudini Das, Pillai's College of Arts, Commerce and Science ; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, Vietnam General Statistics
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa: A Study of the Relationship between Domestic Violence and Negative Child Health Nicole De Wet, University of the Witwatersrand
A Dynamic Model of Friendship Choice, Academic Achievement and Race Jennifer Flashman, University of Oxford
Experiences of Women Receiving and Women Being Denied First and Second Trimester Abortions in the United States Diana G. Foster, University of California, San Francisco
The Effect of Immigrant Generation Status and Sibling Structure on Educational Expectations among 12th Graders in U.S. High Schools Haruna M. Fukui, Arizona State University
Nutritional Status, General Illness and Health-Seeking Behaviour among Married Young Women in Rural India Sudeshna Ghosh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Subrata Lahiri, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Migration and the Schooling of Left-Behind Children in China Lin Guo, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Early Marriage and First Birth Interval in Ethiopia: Evidences from EDHS 2005 Eshetu Gurmu, Addis Ababa University ; Dula Etana, Addis Ababa University
Early Parenthood and Educational Trajectories: A Comparison of Men and Women Frank Heiland, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY) ; Heinrich Hock, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. ; William Thrasher, Florida State University
How Politically Problematic are Liberal Abortion Policies for Countries With Pronatalist Fertility Policies? Dennis Hodgson, Fairfield University
Ethnic Boundaries and Minority Earnings: The Effects of Neighborhood, Workplace, and Industry Feng Hou, Statistics Canada
Contraceptive Use in Cameroon: 1991-2004 Samuel Kelodjoue, Université de Dschang ; Michelle Ngo Yon, Université de Yaoundé
The Role of Father's Masculinity on Relationship Transitions Kristy Krivickas, Bowling Green State University
Trends in the Health of Black and White Children Who Live With Parents or Grandparents, U.S. 1972-2008 Patrick M. Krueger, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center ; Luisa Franzini, University of Texas at Houston
New Asian Destinations: A Comparative Study on Traditional Gateways and Emerging Immigrant Destinations Kenneth Kuk, Cornell University
Siblings and Childhood Mental Health: Evidence for a Later-Born Advantage David W. Lawson, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) ; Ruth Mace, University College London
Own Children Fertility Estimates for the Pacific Islands: Methodology and Comparisons Michael Levin, Harvard University
The Mechanism of Client Satisfaction of Reproductive Health Service: From a Gender Perspective Liang Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Does Self-Employment Increase the Economic Well-Being of Low-Skilled Workers? Magnus Lofstrom, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)
Time Availability: The Effects of Employment Status and Work Shift Schedules on Husbands’ Housework Sharing Vincent Louis, Texas A&M University
Social Policy and Childbearing Behaviour in Japan Since the 1960s. An Individual Level Perspective Li Ma, Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
Child Disability and Paternal Involvement: An Examination of Nonresidential Father-Child Engagement and Financial Support among Children with Disability Maryhelen D. MacInnes, Michigan State University ; Carrie E. Spearin, Brown University
Maternal Health Status and Early Childbearing: A Test of the Weathering Hypothesis Sarah O. Meadows, RAND Corporation ; Megan Beckett, RAND Corporation ; Marc Elliott, RAND Corporation ; Christine Peterson, RAND Corporation
Grandparents’ Help and Fertility Decisions Elena C. Meroni, Università di Padova ; Chiara Pronzato, Università Bocconi
The Gendered Work Orientations of Working and Middle Class Cohabiting Couples Amanda J. Miller, Ohio State University
Gender, Race and the Transition to Retirement among the Baby Boomers Stipica Mudrazija, University of Texas at Austin
How Negative Is the Influence of Men on Contraceptive Use in Ghana? Mark Muenchrath, University of Chicago
Type of Occupation and the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden Sofi Ohlsson, Stockholm University
The Role of International Migration in Projecting Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the U.S. Population Jennifer M. Ortman, U.S. Census Bureau ; Christine E. Guarneri, Texas A&M University
Immigrant and Domestic Minorities’ Racial Identities and College Performance Jayanti Owens, Princeton University ; Scott M. Lynch, Princeton University
Ponds, Priorities, and College Academic Performance Jayanti Owens, Princeton University ; Thomas J. Espenshade, Princeton University
Child Well-Being In Interethnic Families Jennifer Pearce-Morris, Pennsylvania State University ; Valarie King, Pennsylvania State University
One Theory or Many Theories of Educational Stratification?: An Empirical Analysis Nikolas D. Pharris-Ciurej, University of Washington
Construction of Model Life Tables for India: Using SRS Based Abridged Life Tables Krishna Murthy Ponnapalli, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Indirect Health Consequences of War: Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Daniel H. Poole, University of Utah
Factors Influencing Early Sexual Initiation, Lifetime Partners and Condom Use among Male College Youth in Pune India Rukmini Potdar, Livingstone College ; Kristin Mmari, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The New Wave of African Immigrants in the United States Holly E. Reed, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY) ; Catherine S. Andrzejewski, Principia International ; Diana Strumbos, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
Coexistence of Obesity and Anemia in Older Mexican Adults: A Common Challenge among the Poor Rafael Samper-Ternent, University of Texas Medical Branch ; Alejandra Michaels-Obregon, University of Texas Medical Branch
The Effect of Paternal Incarceration on Material Hardship Ofira Schwartz-Soicher, Columbia University ; Amanda B. Geller, Columbia University
Single Males in China: Sensitivity of Projections to Changes in the Sex Ratio, Fertility, and the Age Composition of the Marriage Market. Ethan Sharygin Jennings, University of Pennsylvania
Body Mass Index and Neighborhood Characteristics: Assessing Selection and Causation Mechanisms Using Mover-Stayer Models Ken R. Smith, University of Utah ; Ikuho Yamada, University of Utah ; Barbara Brown, University of Utah ; Heidi Hanson, Huntsman Cancer Institute ; Cathleen Zick, University of Utah ; Jessie Fan, University of Utah
The Impact of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Brazil: Natural Experiments at Different Parity Progressions Laeticia Souza, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Eduardo L.G. Rios-Neto, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Bernardo L. Queiroz, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Wealth Patterns and Self-Rated Health among Elderly: A Case Study of the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, Thailand Malee Sunpuwan, Mahidol University
Health Perception and Reporting among the Vietnamese Elderly: Implications for Understanding Gender Differences in Old-Age Health Outcomes Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Singapore Management University
Labor Force Participation and the Decision to Work Full Time: A Focus on the Female African Immigrant Rebbeca Tesfai, University of Pennsylvania
The Use of Capture-Recapture Method for Evaluating the Completeness of Burial Surveillance in Addis Ababa Biruk T. Tessema, Addis Ababa Mortality Surveillance Program ; Tekebash Araya, Addis Ababa University ; Tolcha Kebebew, Addis Ababa University
Trends and Correlates of Low Birth Weights in Selected States of India: An Analysis of NFHS Data Chaitra Todur, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The Relative Influence of Contraception, Abortion, and Postpartum Infecundability on Fertility Trends in 22 Sub-Saharan African Countries: 1986 and 2007 Amy Tsui, Johns Hopkins University ; Supriya Madhavan, Johns Hopkins University ; Ye-Mon Myint, Johns Hopkins University
Racial Segregation in Muslim Congregations: Evidence from 11 Metropolitan Areas Across the United States Catherine D. Tucker, Pennsylvania State University
Sibling Configuration and the Transition to First Marriage in Japan Suzumi Yasutake, Johns Hopkins University
Polygamous Marriages in India Vaidehi Yelamanchili, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Sulabha Parasuraman, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Early Childhood Residential Instability and School Readiness: Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest, Statistics Norway ; Claire C. McKenna, Institute for Children and Poverty