Session 109:
Infant and Child Mortality
Chair: Abdur Razzaque, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
Discussant: Randall Kuhn, University of Denver
Discussant: Jane Menken, University of Colorado at Boulder
Maternal Schooling and Child Mortality in Nigeria: The Importance of the Actual Curriculum Emily Grace Smith, Pennsylvania State University
On the Effects of Water and Sanitation on Child Mortality: Global Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys Isabel Gunther, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ; Guenther Fink, Harvard School of Public Health
Is Childhood Mortality Affected by Wantedness in Cambodia? Savet Hong, University of California, Berkeley
Infant and Child Mortality within Social Networks and Perceptions of Mortality Change in Niakhar, Senegal John Sandberg, McGill University ; Steven Rytina, McGill University
Other sessions on Health and Mortality