Session 48:
Motherhood and Work
Chair: Paula S. England, Stanford University
Discussant: Donna K. Ginther, University of Kansas
Discussant: Gerda R. Neyer, Stockholm University
The Wage Penalty for Motherhood in a Cross-National Perspective: The Importance of Work-Family Policies and Cultural Attitudes Michelle J. Budig, University of Massachusetts ; Joya Misra, University of Massachusetts ; Irene Boeckmann, University of Massachusetts
The Motherhood Penalty at Midlife: The Long-Term Impact of Birth-Timing on Women’s Careers Joan R. Kahn, University of Maryland ; Javier Garcia-Manglano, University of Maryland ; Suzanne M. Bianchi, University of California, Los Angeles
Partnership Characteristics and the Motherhood Wage Penalty: The Influence of Sexual Orientation Pearl Kyei, University of Pennsylvania
To Publish or Parent? Continued Childbearing among PhDs in Sweden, 1991–2005. Maria A. Stanfors, Lund University
Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions