Friday, April 16 / 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM   •   Cumberland I

Session 123:
Aging in Developing Countries: Intergenerational Support and Living Arrangements

Chair: Wan He, U.S. Census Bureau
Discussant: Angelique Chan, National University of Singapore

  1. Shifting Coresidence Near the End of Life: Comparing Decedents and Survivors of a Follow-Up Study in ChinaZachary Zimmer, University of Utah ; Kim Korinek, University of Utah

  2. Response of Family Elder Support to Changes in the Income of the Elderly in KoreaErin Hye-Won Kim, Duke University ; Philip J. Cook, Duke University

  3. Grandparenting and “Other” Children’s Support in Rural ChinaZhen Cong, Texas Tech University ; Merril Silverstein, University of Southern California ; Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University

  4. Living Arrangements and Aging: Changes and Determinants in Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Mexico, 1992-2006Verónica Z. Montes de Oca Zavala, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales / Universidad Nacional Autónoma México ; Sagrario Garay, Facultad de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano (UANL)

Other sessions on Population and Aging