Session 152:
Effects of Government Policies and Incentives on Fertility and Reproductive Health
Chair: Clea McNeely, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Discussant: David Bishai, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Gita G. Mirchandani, Johns Hopkins University
Protect Young Mothers from Cigarettes, Help Their Babies? A Regression Discontinuity Study on Minimum Cigarette Purchase Age Ji Yan, Washington University in St. Louis
Arkansas' Family Planning Waiver: Assessing Effects on Unintended Births and Other Outcomes Kathleen Adams, Emory University ; Genevieve Kenney, Urban Institute ; Katya Galactionava, Emory University
The Contribution of Recent Increases to Family Benefits to Australia’s Early 21st Century Fertility Increase: An Empirical Analysis Nick Parr, Macquarie University ; Ross Guest, Griffith University
The Mythology of Two Hundred Million People: Equalitarianism, Welfare Benefits, and Population Growth Shuo Chen, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ; Huadong Song, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ; Jie Chen, KDB Asia Ltd.
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health