Factors and Processes Shaping Contraceptive Choice in West Bengal, India: A Multilevel Analysis
Sharmishtha Basu, Jawaharlal Nehru University
This paper examines determinants of contraceptive choice in the state of West Bengal, India, which has the highest prevalence of traditional method combined with high female sterilization. Principal research questions are whether contraceptive goal or contraceptive competence or access to contraceptive or programme plays a larger role in choice. The study is based on Demographic Health Survey-3 data for West Bengal complemented with researcher’s investigation using qualitative approach that included FGD’s with women in reproductive ages and interview with service providers. Urban place of residence and standard of living significantly affects traditional method choice. In urban areas withdrawal preference is due to husbands’ education, tendency to take decisions and problem of side-effects. Preference for oral pills varies by socio-economic background and the reasons for preference differ across classes. IUD in rural areas is not chosen because of recurrent cost. In urban and rural sample community factors are significant in individual choice.
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Presented in Poster Session 2