Construction of Model Life Tables for India: Using SRS Based Abridged Life Tables

Krishna Murthy Ponnapalli, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Office of the Registrar General of India (ORGI) over the years produced for India and its major states about 3060 life tables, referring to urban, rural and total areas, of males, females and both sexes combined, using the Greville’s life table method and the age-specific death rates of the Sample Registration System (SRS). In the present paper an attempt has been made to construct regression based model life tables for India of males, females and both sexes combined, using 1020 male, 1020 female and 1020 both sexes combined life tables respectively of the SRS. The basic aim is to use them further to estimate life tables for the districts in India given the only information on life expectancy at birth or the infant mortality rate for the unit of study under consideration. Regression models were also developed to convert given infant mortality rates into corresponding life expectancy at birth values.

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Presented in Poster Session 2