The Mechanism of Client Satisfaction of Reproductive Health Service: From a Gender Perspective

Liang Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Using data from the survey on the Project of Gender Analysis in Reproductive Health conducted in 5 counties of China in 2006, this study conducted an systemic empirical research on the client satisfaction model in gender-based perspective. This study found client’s traditional and modernity gender ideology had effect on client satisfaction with different psych-behavior mechanisms by path analysis methods. The results showed that traditional ideology had a direct impact on satisfaction, and had an indirect impact on satisfaction through perceived quality; and modernity ideology had a thorough indirect positive impact on satisfaction through client participation and perceived control. Based on the gender perspective, the results also showed that The traditional ideology affect the client satisfaction of reproductive health services through complyed power and limited needs for reproductive health services, while modernity ideology affect through change of gender relations.

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Presented in Poster Session 2