Sexual Behaviour among Young Migrants in Nairobi's Slum Areas
Netsayi Mudege, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Kanyiva Muindi, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
While age at puberty and initiation of sexual activity, have declined in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, age at first marriage has increased over time. The way adolescents deal with the pressures to first sex and other risky behaviours can affect their transitions to adulthood and have lasting impact on their health. For migrant youth, pressures to engage in risky behaviour is often compounded by the fact that migration often coincides with leaving home and divesting off of parental authority and controls. Using ten year migration histories and data on transitions to adulthood, we model time to sexual debut while controlling for time of exposure to the slums. In addition, we conduct regression analysis for determinants of risky sexual behaviour. We find that migration status has no significant effect on risky sexual behaviour; however the duration of stay in the slum is a significant determinant of risky sexual behaviour.
Presented in Poster Session 6