Factors Associated with Contraception in India
Rebha Sabharwal, Arizona State University
Despite heavy measures taken by various governments in developing countries, fertility is still on the rise. Large families are still desirable and rapidly increasing populations have given rise to family planning programs in these countries. Contraception is seen to be a popular tool for these programs. Surprisingly little done on the diverse methods of contraception used by women in developing nations. Literature is scarce on other forms of contraception such as abstinence and withdrawal. This paper focuses on what factors contribute to the usage of contraceptive methods of married Indian women. Results indicate that women who are adults, Hindu’s, having at least primary education, having at least one child, belonging to the middle/upper class and who are aware of STDs are more likely to use any form of contraception. Analysis of these variables reveals variation between traditional and modern methods. Further research shall be concentrated on this issue.
Presented in Poster Session 6