Internet Use among Filipino Public High School Students
Socorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos
Elizabeth M. King, World Bank Group
Aniceto C. Orbeta, Philippine Insitute for Development Studies
Prudenciano Gordoncillo, University of the Philippines Los BaƱos
This study examines the nature of Internet use among third year public high school students in the Philippines. It also explores associations between Internet use and key life transition such as college education, employment and marriage. Analysis uses qualitative and quantitative data from an evaluation study of the GILAS (Gearing up Internet Literacy and Access for Students) Program. FGDs show that there are gender differences in Internet use, e.g., males prefer online games while girls prefer social networking. Both, however, recognize the dangers of Internet addiction but are unaware of ethical issues like plagiarism and piracy. Preliminary descriptives show that about 80% of sample students have used a computer but only two-thirds of them used the Internet. Internet use is associated with intent to go to college, postponement of labor force entry and marriage after completion of studies. Potential confounders in these associations will be explored.
Presented in Poster Session 6