“At That Time, I Didn’t Understand It!”: Exploring the Subject of Contraceptive Knowledge and Use among Women with Induced Abortion Experiences in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana
Adriana A. Biney, University of Ghana
Using a qualitative research methodology, twenty-four semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with women with induced abortion experiences at Korle Bu and Tema Hospitals in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Approximately 52 percent of the interviewed women were between ages 15-19 at the time of their first abortion. Results suggest that these women tended not to have knowledge of contraceptive methods prior to the abortion, while others were informed but failed to use because of a dislike for contraception. Some had since gained knowledge of methods and used at least one modern method. Others who had been informed on the available methods still chose not to utilize contraception due to rumors of side effects and personal negative experiences. Peer and reproductive health education must be reinforced in communities in Greater Accra to curb adolescents engaging in early sex as well as challenge rumors that exist regarding contraception in Ghana.
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Presented in Session 172: Abortion in Societies with Different Abortion Laws