The Effect of Individual, Family and Employer Support on Feelings of Burnout and Satisfaction: a Multi Actor Approach

Tanja Van der Lippe, Utrecht University

What kind of support do people have to meet current work and family demands and how do they affect experiences of quality of life? Within this paper I will focus on the experiences of Dutch workers with respect to burnout and satisfaction, by concentrating not only on the role of direct workplace support but also by considering support in the family and support provided by the employer. The general research question is: to what extent do employee support, family support and employer support explain levels of work related burnout and job satisfaction? Hypotheses will be tested using Time Competition survey (2004). Data were collected using a multi-stage sample of 1114 employees from 30 Dutch firms. Extensive information is available on work and family support, work and family demands as well as indicators of burnout and satisfaction from both spouses. Multilevel analyses will be used to test our hypotheses.

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Presented in Session 15: Work Environment and Work-Family Conflict