Fertility Dynamics in France and Italy. Who Are the Couples Who do not Give Birth to the Intended Child?
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence
France and Italy lie at the two extremes as regards fertility levels in Europe. Although previous findings showed that desired fertility is very similar in France and Italy, an examination of intentions to have a child in the following three years points to a country-specific difference. Namely, in France reproductive intentions are higher than in Italy for all parities. Moreover, since the actual fertility levels are so different, there could be some sorts of constraints that limit fertility more strongly in Italy than in France. Taking advantage of the first two rounds of the French and Italian Gender and Generation Surveys, in this paper we aim at highlighting the profiles of those couples who do not realize their intended fertility projects in the two countries considered. This line of reasoning may provide important input to policy makers wishing to lift the constraints to fertility realization
Presented in Session 178: New Perspectives on Low Fertility and Policy