Role of Men in the Modern Georgian Family; What is More Important for Georgians: Traditions or the New Social Realities?

Shorena Tsiklauri, Georgian Centre of Population Research

This paper is based on the results of the first wave of the “Generations and Gender Survey” conducted in by the Georgian Centre of Population Research in 2006. This study provides comprehensive data allowing us to analyse for the first time the features of gender relationships in the Georgian family on the basis of a large-scale representative statistical survey. The recent social changes in Georgia are accompanied by the resistance of two contrasting processes: progress toward an open and more human society with European style of life from one side and oriental model, inherited from the long-standing traditional values and attitudes – from the other. This resistance makes a significant impact on the relationships between partners and gender roles in the family and society.

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Presented in Session 138: Men's Roles in Families and Relationships