Religion, Child Mortality and Health in Mozambique
Boaventura Cau, Arizona State University
Arusyak Sevoyan, Arizona State University
In contrast to the growing number of studies on religion and adult health in Western settings, the literature that examines the effects of religion on child survival and health remains scarce, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, the region of worst child health outcomes. In this study we retrospective survey data to examine the relationship between mother’s religious affiliation and child survival and selected child health measures in southern Mozambique, a predominantly Christian area with great denominational diversity. Preliminary results suggest that mother’s church membership decreases the likelihood of child death and leads to better child health outcomes, relative to not belonging to a church. However, the analyses also detect instructive variations across denominations. These results are interpreted in light of the role of religion in general and of specific religious denominations in providing social support and facilitating access to formal health care resources.
Presented in Poster Session 7