Increase of Urban-Rural Disparities in Child Health in Peru between 1991 and 2000
Heeju Shin, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Myungho Paik, Northwestern University
This study examines why health disparities by region increases over time and how regional development explains increasing health disparities between urban and rural areas in Peru. The gaps of child health outcomes between prosperous urban and poor rural areas have been widened continuously in Peru during 1990s although health reform which was targeting poor rural population has enhanced children health in rural areas in absolute term. Using Peruvian Demographic and Health Survey conducted in 1991/2 and 2000, we will examine that an extent of improvement of child health is associated with the level of development of the region that the child resides. Also, this study will show that significant portion of increased gaps in child health outcomes over time is explained by unequal distribution of economic and social resources among regions in Peru.
Presented in Poster Session 5