Living Arrangements of Young Adults and Inequality in Higher Education: Recent Changes and the Advantages of Being a “Late-Stayer” in Brazil, from 1982 to 2006
Ana Cristina M. Collares, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Beatriz Novak, University of Wisconsin at Madison
This paper investigates the impact of living arrangements of two age cohorts, 18—24 years old and 25—32 years old in Brazil, on their chances of attending higher education, their chances of graduating from a high quality postsecondary program, and the probability that they will enroll in a socially prestigious field of study. It also assesses changes over time in the relation between living arrangements and participation in higher education for these individuals from 1982 to 2006. The literature about living arrangements has demonstrated that living in the parental home as a young adult has implications in several life events including fertility, marriage and divorce. We contribute to this literature by showing that living in the parental home boosts chances of participating in higher education, and reduces gender and SES differences in the chances of attaining high quality postsecondary education programs and choosing high social prestige fields of study.
Presented in Session 184: Family and Intergenerational Aspects of the Transition to Adulthood