A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Migration on Union Stability in Mexico

Adriana Lopez Ramirez, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

The stability of a marital union can be affected by cultural, economic, and demographic factors. Although less studied, migration also affects union stability, and the mechanism can involve both disruptive and adaptive effects. The physical absence that accompanies migration jeopardizes social cohesion since friendship relations and primary associations are disrupted. Likewise, the stressful nature of the moving itself increases the odds of union dissolution. Migration also provides women with opportunities to come across more egalitarian gender norms and different marriage ideals. Adaptation to prevailing cultural and social norms in communities of destination can also affect union stability. This paper uses longitudinal data to examine the effect of migration on the likelihood of union dissolution in the context of Mexico. Preliminary results from the baseline survey show higher proportions of union dissolution among men and women with post-marital migration experience to urban and international destinations compared to rural migrants and non-migrants.

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Presented in Session 52: Migration and Divorce