Assortative Mating on Age: Trends in the Spousal Age Difference
John B. Casterline, Ohio State University
Zhenchao Qian, Ohio State University
Jing Liu, Ohio State University
This paper presents a multi-country analysis of trends in the spousal age difference from the 1970s to the present. Our focus is the non-Western societies of Latin America, Africa, and Asia (n = 25+ countries). For these regions, this will be the most comprehensive rigorous analysis of assortative mating on age that has been carried out in recent years. We will present a descriptive analysis of trends in the spousal age difference, and will use log-linear models to model assortative mating according to age. We will also take into account assortative mating on education -- a key theme of this research is the interplay of age and educational attainment as characteristics of prospective spouses. We posit that marriages have become more age homogamous; and that the amount of narrowing in the spousal age gap is directly related to the increase in women's educational attainment and to the increase in women's age at marriage.
Presented in Session 82: Assortative Mating