Best Practices in Global STI/HIV Prevention

Sitawa R. Kimuna, East Carolina University
Sloane Burke, East Carolina University

The role of mobile populations in the spread of STIs and HIV is well documented in several countries of the world. Long- haul truck drivers in developing countries play an important part in communicable STI/HIV transmission. Reports from some African, Asian, and South American countries show high STI/HIV prevalence rates among truckers. With many global public health prevention and program efforts, North American evidence-based practices are applied to other countries. In this research, we suggest applying a reverse approach and translating proven global health prevention strategies to the three million at risk long-haul truckers in the United States. We detail effective global health prevention campaigns such as mobile STI clinics, condom banks, tailored testing, peer education and outreach at truck stops and cargo loading areas. Our objective is to show how proven global strategies can be applied in the U.S for effective trucker STI/HIV prevention programs.

Presented in Poster Session 1