Black Male Students in New York City and Their Educational Trajectories
Ronald B. Mincy, Columbia University
Afshin Zilanawala, Columbia University
We will analyze the variation in educational trajectories of Black male students to better understand the different ways these students successfully or unsuccessfully navigate NYC schools and the school characteristics that contribute to successful academic outcomes. Using longitudinal student-level data from New York City's Department of Education, we first seek to identify common patterns or trajectories among the Black male student population over time. The study will analyze Black male students from one cohort from the time they entered the public school system until the time they left (grades 4 -12). Here, we ask, “What are the patterns of educational trajectories of Black male students in New York City Schools?” At the end of our analysis, we will be able to make policy recommendations about education policy reforms and practical interventions for Black male students, as well as outline important next steps for future research and follow-up.
Presented in Session 44: Education Policy and Child Well-Being