Recent Trends in Health and Disability among the Older Population in England

Robert Schoeni, University of Michigan
Linda G. Martin, RAND Corporation
Patricia Andreski, University of Michigan

The decline in late-life disability prevalence in the United States over the past quarter-century is well documented. Less is known about trends in other countries over recent decades. Using data representative for all of England for the period 1992-2007, and focusing on the population 65 and older, we examine trends in the prevalence of measured blood pressure, cholesterol, and C-reactive protein, as well as self-reported prevalence of selected health behaviors, general health status, chronic conditions, sensory and physical functioning, and limitations in usual activity and self care. We also explore trends by three education and five social class groups. Finally, we compare these findings with the evidence from the United States.

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Presented in Session 17: Health and Dependency at Older Ages