Couple-Level Pregnancy Intentions and Subsequent Relationship Formation and Dissolution

Mindy E. Scott, Child Trends
Nicole R. Steward, Child Trends
Erin Schelar, Child Trends

The aim of this project is to examine relationship-level consequences of unintended births. These analyses use data from the ECLS-B to compare relationship transitions for mothers and fathers who did not intend to become pregnant (both mistimed and unwanted) with those couples who intended to get pregnant when they did. We examine both mother and father intentions, before and after controls. Our relationship outcomes are measured as transition to a less committed relationship for married and cohabiting couples and a transition to a more committed relationship for cohabiting couples. We examine the association between mother and fathers’ pregnancy intentions, as well as couples’ agreement about their pregnancy intentions, and relationship formation and dissolution, and how relationship quality mediates this association.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1