Effects of State Physical Education-Related Policies on Children’s Physical Activity and Obesity
Jinsook Kim, Northern Illinois University
This analysis examines whether the nature and extent of state policies on school physical education (PE) are related to physical activity (PA) and, in turn, to weight status among 11- to 17-year-old children and whether the relationship is partly attributed to school PE-related practices. By examining macro- and micro-level data simultaneously, this study provides an overall picture of the impact of state PE-related policies on children’s outcomes. The analysis uses two-level cross-sectional data collected from state officials, school administrators and teachers, and parents. State-level information on PE-related policies comes from the 2006 Physical Education-Related State Policy Classification System. The 2006 School Health Profiles provides information on PE-related school practices. Individual-level information on children’s PA and weight status comes from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health data. The results of this study will add to the evidence base of obesity prevention approaches.
Presented in Poster Session 5