An Assessment of the New Legislation on Migration Control in Spain: From Amnesties to Regular Avenues for Legal Migration

Andreu Domingo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Albert Sabater, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED)
Xavier Franch, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The characteristics of the new immigration legislation implemented since 2004 have expanded the channels for legal migration in Spain. In this paper we provide an analysis of the transition from illegal to legal migration and the other way around by taking into consideration a case study in the province of Barcelona. First, we demonstrate the potential of using administrative-based data on migrants’ work and residence permits to undertake quantitative longitudinal analysis. Second, we provide an evaluative case study of the new immigration legislation on the trajectories of new migrants. We then highlight how, even if illegal migration has reduced as a result of the economic downturn, non-nationals who reside legally could switch to an illegal status caused by the same economic recession, in particular for those whose work permits are not renewed upon their expiration.

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Presented in Session 47: Case Studies in Applied Demography