The Role of U.S. Migration and Remittances on the Educational Attainment of Children in Mexico

Gabriela Sanchez-Soto, Brown University

Studies on the socioeconomic impact of U.S. migration in Mexico often focus on the investment of remittances in household assets and property. Little attention is given to its impact on the education of the children of migrants in Mexico. Human capital theory suggests migration may have a positive impact on education due to increased income; however, research suggests that migration also discourages education and creates an orientation towards U.S. labor markets. This paper analyzes the role of U.S. migration and remittances on the educational attainment of Mexican youth using the 10% sample of the 2000 Mexican Census. Results are consistent with the existence of two processes connecting migration and education. The first is family’s investment on human capital, defined by the use of economic resources from migration on the education of children. The second is the discouragement of schooling among children living in communities with higher migration prevalence.

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Presented in Session 89: Parental Investments in Education: Social, Economic, and Policy Influences