Estimates and Projections of Nazi Victims of the Holocaust Currently Residing in Canada, the United States, Central & Eastern Europe and Western Europe, 2010 - 2030
Berna M. Torr, California State University, Fullerton
This analysis focuses on the methodology used to create a set of estimates and projections of the number of surviving Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust in four major world regions: Canada, the United States, Central & Eastern Europe and Western Europe. We discuss the variety of data sources used to estimate the population of survivors in 2010 and then project forward the population of Nazi victim survivors through 2030 using a cohort component methodology and age-specific mortality rates for Jews the same age living in Israel. In addition, we plan to present estimates and projections of the number of Nazi victims who are likely to have the greatest need for assistance, focusing on those in economic distress an/or physical disability.
Presented in Session 47: Case Studies in Applied Demography