Differential Health Outcomes among Hispanic Immigrants Reporting Chilling Effects

Nicole Weller, Arizona State University
Jennifer E. Glick, Arizona State University
Seline Szkupinski-Quiroga, Arizona State University
Alexandra Brewis Slade, Arizona State University
Ben VanderMeer, Arizona State University

Increased restrictions on immigration and immigrants’ access to resources are hypothesized to reduce the willingness of immigrants to seek medical care or other public services. This study provides new insight into the association of such ‘chilling effects’, including perceived increases in discrimination towards immigrants or fears about providing documentation on health outcomes. The data come from a unique, ongoing study in Phoenix, Arizona focused on the effect of immigration enforcement and the economic downturn on access to public resources, food security and health care. Outcomes in this analysis include insurance coverage, access to health services, and self-reported health. Results suggest that immigration status and perceptions of discrimination are associated with reduced health care coverage and service. The paper reflects on the implications of these results for vulnerable populations with decreased access to health care resources.

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Presented in Session 19: Social Inequality and Health Outcomes