Convergence Across Generations in the Marriage Behaviors of Immigrant Youth Compared to the Native-Born in Canada
Thomas LeGrand, Université de Montréal
Mélanie Meunier, Université de Montréal
We estimate logit regressions using extensive 2001 Canadian census data (n=718500) to study patterns of union behaviors (likelihood of living in union and of a union being consensual) for men and women aged 20-29. Marriage is a central part of the transition to adulthood in the cultures of many immigrants, but less so in Canada/Quebec, and its study provides insight into how immigrants adapt their values and behaviors over time. We distinguish three categories of immigrants (recent, generation 1.5 and second generation) and whether they were born in to families with both parents foreign-born versus one Canadian-born. Immigrant generation is also interacted with geographic origin (10 regions) allowing for the study of systematic differences in integration patterns for different groups. Community effects—whether integration is slower in areas with a large proportion of immigrants…—are also examined. Results show diverse patterns across groups that are not consistent with segmented assimilation theory.
Presented in Poster Session 3