Nepali College Students' Susceptibility to HIV

Ramesh Adhikari, Tribhuvan University

Nepal is facing critical challenges posed by the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS. The objectives of this study are to explore sexual behaviour and to investigate the influencing risk factors. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 1137 college students (573 boys and 564 girls). Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used for analysis. The study has shown substantial proportions of students indulge in risky sexual behavior. Substance use, multiple sex partners, sex with commercial sex worker and inconsistence use of condom with non regular partners are not uncommon among the students. Despite strong social and cultural taboos, college students in Nepal are not only involved in premarital sex but also engage in risky sexual behavior. Our findings point to the importance of exposing students to timely sex education before their sexual debut and programming that supports young students in making informed decisions about sexual intercourse focusing on the importance of safe sex.

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Presented in Poster Session 4