Timing and Sequencing of Events Marking the Transition to Adulthood in Two Informal Settlements in Nairobi, Kenya
Donatien Beguy, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Alex C. Ezeh, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Young people living in poor urban informal settlements face unique challenges as they grow up. Using Event History Analysis techniques, this paper uses retrospective information from the baseline survey of a three-year prospective study, to examine the timing and sequencing of four key markers (first sex, marriage, birth and independent housing) of the transition to adulthood among 3,944 adolescents in two informal settlements in Nairobi city, Kenya. Results indicate that there is no significant gender difference with regard to first sexual debut among adolescents. For the majority of adolescents, sexual debut occurs outside of union. Boys transition to parenthood and marriage later than girls but they transition to first independent housing earlier. For males, the sequencing of entry begins with entry into first sex, followed by independent housing. Few males enter into parenthood in the age group. Conversely, for females, the sequencing begins with first sex and then parenthood.
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Presented in Poster Session 5