Short- and Longer-Term Effects of Forced Migration on Child Health and Mortality in Angola

Winfred A. Avogo, Illinois State University

This study investigates the effects of forced migration on child survival and health in Angola. Using survey data collected in Luanda, Angola, two years after the end of prolonged civil war, we compare three groups: migrants who moved primarily due to war, migrants whose moves were not directly related to war, and non-migrants. Using event-history approaches, we find that hazards of child death in any given year were higher in families that experienced war-related migration in the same year or in the previous year. Assessing longer-term effects of forced migration, we observe mortality disadvantages of children of forced migrants born in Luanda but this is explained by other characteristics. On child health outcomes, we detect disadvantages of forced migrants relative to non-migrants; however this extends to war unrelated migrants. We interpret these results within the context of the literature on short- and long-term effects of forced migration on child health.

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Presented in Session 148: Demographic Determinants and Consequences of War, Conflict, and Terrorism