Relationship Profiles and Contraceptive Use within Young Adult Dating Relationships

Jennifer Manlove, Child Trends
Kate Perper, Child Trends
Megan Barry, Child Trends

This study examines the association between characteristics of young adult dating relationships and couples’ contraceptive use. Using a sample of young adults from the NLSY97, we first employ latent class analysis to establish relationship profiles based on attributes including relationship duration, intimacy and emotional support, relationship commitment, and lack of conflict. We then model the associations between these relationship profiles and the contraceptive method used the last time the couple had sex, comparing condom, hormonal or a combination “dual method,” to no method. We will test these associations with and without controlling for individual and background characteristics of the respondent and his or her partner. Results will contribute to 1) our understanding of characteristics of young adult dating relationships and 2) how the grouping of relationship attributes influences contraceptive use.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 95: Romantic and Sexual Relationships