Condom Use Negotiation and Practice among Married Women in Vietnam
Mai Do, Tulane University
This study examines associations between condom negotiation and use among married couple in Vietnam, where traditional values are on women’s being subordinate to men. It tests a hypothesis that women who reported being able to negotiate condom use with their husband would be more likely to use condoms at last sex and consistently within the last 12 months. Data came from the Vietnam Population and AIDS Indicator Survey (VPAIS) 2005; the study sample includes 4,632 married women aged 15-49. Education, watching TV, listening to the radio, and knowledge of condom use to prevent HIV were important to women’s condom negotiation. The capability to negotiate condom use was the strongest predictor of both condom use at last sex and consistent use in the last 12 months. The study provides implications for programs aimed to improve knowledge and practice of HIV prevention, as well as those promoting condoms for family planning purposes.
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Presented in Session 39: Gender, Couple Context and Reproductive Health