Exploring Abortion Knowledge and Opinion among an Important Yet Overlooked Stakeholder Group in the Mexican Abortion Debate: Lawyers

Katherine Wilson, Population Council
Fernanda Diaz De Leon, Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida (GIRE)
Maria Luisa Sanchez Fuentes, Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida (GIRE)

The recent backlash of conservative reforms in several states of Mexico in response to the Mexico City law makes understanding the perspective of lawyers, an overlooked group in the ongoing abortion debate, especially important. We conducted a face-to-face abortion opinion survey with lawyers in four regions that have conservative and progressive abortion laws. Of the 250 participants, most were from the public sector (53%), male (73%), self-identified catholic (90%), had been practicing on average 15 years and said they would represent a woman who is denied a legal abortion (85%). In multivariate analysis, Mexico City residence and less frequent religious service attendance were significantly associated with more progressive abortion opinion; and those variables plus greater knowledge of abortion laws were significantly associated with supporting the Mexico City law. Most lawyers have a favorable abortion opinion and could play a more active role in promoting progressive abortion laws in Mexico.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1