Immigrant Educational Outcomes in New Destinations: An Exploration of High School Attrition
Mary J. Fischer, University of Connecticut
This study examines how young immigrants are faring in New Destinations using individual level data from the 2000 IPUMS to assess the relative roles of race/ethnicity, nativity, country of origin, and place on the likelihood of not being enrolled in high school for youth aged 15-17. I find that place plays a nuanced role in the risk of non-enrollment that varies by nativity as well as other household characteristics. While children in general have higher risks of dropping out in New Destination communities relative to those in Established Immigrant communities, the risks to immigrant children are even greater. I find that Mexican and Guatemalan origin immigrants are particularly vulnerable, especially in places with the largest increases in the percent foreign born. The implications of these findings for both immigrants and their communities are discussed in the conclusion.
See paper
Presented in Session 12: Immigrant Destinations