Does Household Structure Matters in the Lives of Left Behind Women Due To Male Out-Migration in Rural India: Evidence from NFHS-3

Sujata Ganguly, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Male out-migration leads to modification in the structure of family life and also transform women’s social and economic position. A significant effect of migration on the family is the conjugal separation. The need for assistance with child care also may motivate a restructuring of household composition. Data Source: National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-3 (2005-2006). Objective: The broad objective of the study is to understand the household structure of left behind women in the place of origin (rural areas) due to male out-migration. Findings: Left behind women due to male out-migration in non-nuclear households have better health condition compared to those in nuclear households. This may be explained on the basis of the fact that the economic status of women in non-nuclear households is better than their counterparts. May be due to low standard of living, the affordability for health care among women in nuclear households is overshadowed.

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Presented in Poster Session 4