The Effects of International Migration on the Risk of Low Birth Weight in Mexico
Thankam S. Sunil, University of Texas at San Antonio
Miguel Flores, University of Texas at San Antonio
The purpose of this paper is to provide new empirical evidence linking migration in Mexican households to the U.S. with infant health outcomes. By using new data for Mexico, the ENADID 2006, this research focuses on the effects of migration with low birth weight (LBW). Multivariate logistic regression methods are used to model low birth weight as a function of a set of proximate, intermediate and socioeconomic determinants. In analyzing the channels through which migration affects birth outcomes, the findings provide no conclusive evidence for remittances as the only mechanism associated with lowering the odds of low birth weight. Further studies are recommended in understanding the relationship between migration to the U.S. and health outcomes in Mexico.
See paper
Presented in Session 112: Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Fertility among Hispanics in the U.S. and Latin America